After the disappointment of the 2006 season, it was back to some late season chasing and back out with Roger Hill, who I hadn't chased with in a couple of years. It was great to be back chasing with Roger and great to get back to some high plains chasing! We spent a lot of the 13 days I was out up in the Dakotas, Colorado, and Nebraska. The highlight of the year was my first South Dakota tornado which we watched from the Badlands as it occurred to our south near Kyle, SD.

2007 Chase Logs / Summary

2007 Photo Album:
2007 Photo Album with captions

Chase Day Pages:

June 6th, 2007: Tornadic supercell and monster HP hailer in the Badlands of South Dakota.

June 12th, 2007: Embedded supercells in a squall line near White City, SD that almost produced tornadoes several times.

June 13th, 2007: Several supercells that produced funnels including a long horizontal funnel near Ashland, KS.


All pictures (C) Richard Hamel 2017.

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